The Teacher's Voice [archived 2004-2014]
A Literary Magazine For Poets and Writers In Education

New 2017 Book Release: Teacher Agency for Equity

Petition: Increase Teacher Diversity in New York City [Urgent]

Homeless Adjunct: How The American University Was Killed in 5 Easy Steps

Editor's Choices: Brave New Teachers  Reign of Errors  Education & Capitalism

Civil Rights or Civil Wrongs: a Closer Look at the Common Core

Truthout: Noam Chomsky on Democracy and Education...

Alternet: Signs of the Coming Revolution in America's Education System

Independent Commission on Public Education

Public School Counterinsurgency Field Manual          Back to School: Widening Inequality

Walk Right In [Documentary]     Poem: "Race in Education: Where do I Begin ?"

The Teacher’s Voice was founded as an experimental nonprofit hardcopy magazine on December 23, 2004. In 2007, during its first lifesaving reorganization, plans for 501(c) status and an online bookstore were tabled; and TTV went from a priced print magazine to available gratis online. Our run was sustained by the joint effort of visiting educators, graduate students, contributors, and other volunteers. Rather than simply disappear, the work is now archived in perpetuity on this site and we hope to complete our most significant project, a Race in U.S. Education  print anthology in the near future. 

We hope that many share our sense of urgency when it comes to understanding public education, especially in low-income and working class communities. It is undeniable that underfunded overcrowded schools with micromanaged teachers do not allow for unhurried healthy conversations that foster a natural love for learning and wholesome human development; teacher expertise and creativity are being replaced by state mandated curriculums and prepping for standardized tests; teachers are under extreme pressure to deny their reality and fear speaking out; the abuse of teachers by many administrators is very real; teacher unions are being scapegoated and continue to lose ground; and an alarming number of highly regarded novice and veteran teachers quit every year. After a decade of receiving feedback from actively engaged educators, it is safe to say that government policies that neglect only to dismantle neighborhood public schools and fire teachers to serve misguided political, private, and corporate interests are not the answer. Parents, students, and teachers have the right answers, especially when given all the facts and actual decision-making power. 

We invite you to see some of the first collected pieces in the online start of Race in U.S. Education  . Please explore this site to get a better understanding of the issues and our intentions. Keep in mind that strong well-crafted submissions that call out and challenge any bias expressed by TTV are highy valued. Whatever your orientation, your most fearless and best writing is needed now more than ever.

Please email if you have any questions or concerns. 



2010 Chapbook Contest
From The Front of The Room
by Jeff Kass

Final Judge: Taylor Mali   "Miracle Workers"

SECOND PLACE: Mentoring Heidi by Patricia Lawson
THIRD PLACE: The First Days of September by Alejandro Escudé  

(To Order)



2008 Chapbook Contest
Disrupting Consensus
by Michael Glaser

Final Judge: Jack Hirschman   bibliography
SECOND PLACE: What Happens Here by Kenneth Chamlee
THIRD PLACE: Avatar by E.R. Carlin


2006 Chapbook Contest
by Mary Beth O'Connor

Final Judge: Sapphire  Books
2nd Printing Release: April 2010

SECOND PLACE: Mentoring Heidi by Patricia Lawson
THIRD PLACE: Untitled Manuscript by Karen Waggoner


HONORABLE MENTION: Friday Afternoon by Ken Pobo, Reverence by Richard Holinger,

         Tales Out of School and In by Robert Castle






ISSN #1556-6161
2004-2014 © The Teacher’s Voice. All rights revert to authors after work is published and archived on this site; material may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from their individual authors. All images on this web site are in the public domain and/or fall within fair use limitations, or are used with the artists' permission.


This site includes links to copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of education issues vital to a democracy. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.